§ 16-10a-602. Terms of class or series determined by board of directors.  

Latest version.
  • (1) If the articles of incorporation so provide, the board of directors, without shareholder action but subject to any limitations and restrictions stated in the articles of incorporation, may amend the corporation's articles of incorporation pursuant to the authority granted to the board of directors by Subsection 16-10a-1002(1)(e) to do any of the following:
    (a) designate in whole or in part, the preferences, limitations, and relative rights, within the limits set forth in Section 16-10a-601, of any class of shares before the issuance of any shares of that class;
    (b) create one or more series within a class of shares, fix the number of shares of each such series, and designate, in whole or part, the preferences, limitations, and relative rights of the series, within the limits set forth in Section 16-10a-601, all before the issuance of any shares of that series;
    (c) alter or revoke the preferences, limitations, and relative rights granted to or imposed upon any wholly unissued class of shares or any wholly unissued series of any class of shares; or
    (d) increase or decrease the number of shares constituting any series, the number of shares of which was originally fixed by the board of directors, either before or after the issuance of shares of the series, provided that the number may not be decreased below the number of shares of the series then outstanding, or increased above the total number of authorized shares of the applicable class of shares available for designation as a part of the series.
    (2) Each series of a class shall be given a distinguishing designation.
    (3) All shares of a series shall have preferences, limitations, and relative rights identical with those of other shares of the same series and, except to the extent otherwise provided in the description of the series, with those of other series of the same class.
    (4) Before issuing any shares of a class or series created under this section, or having preferences, limitations, or relative rights designated by the board of directors as provided in this section, and before any amendment to articles of incorporation contemplated by Subsection (1) shall be effective, the corporation shall deliver to the division for filing, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 16-10a-1006, articles of amendment that set forth:
    (a) the name of the corporation;
    (b) the text of the amendment adopted by the board of directors pursuant to Subsection (1);
    (c) the date the amendment was adopted by the board of directors;
    (d) a statement that the amendment was duly adopted by the board of directors without shareholder action and that shareholder action was not required; and
    (e) if the amendment alters or revokes the preferences, limitations, or relative rights granted to or imposed upon any wholly unissued class of shares or any wholly unissued series of any class of shares, a statement that none of the shares of any class or series of shares so affected has been issued.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session